2023 Genesis GV60 Review: Ultra Boost

The GV60 is said to be one of the most attractive electric vehicles to date with all the luxury features.

Its two 215 hp electric motors, one for the front wheels and one for the rear wheel, deliver 429 hp.

It delivered a 0-60 time of 3.7 seconds and a top speed of 151 mph in case you're late for a board meeting.

The interior look is as clean and futuristic as most of us would like, while still offering some familiar buttons.

The interior look is as clean and futuristic as most of us would like, while still offering some familiar buttons.

The 2023 GV60 comes standard with just about everything you could want, and you might not care a bit.

The good news is that the GV60 goes from 10 to 80% power in 18 minutes with an 800-volt fast charger.

Plus, it offers 3 years of free charging at Electrify America chargers located across the country.