Top 5 Common Car Window Tinting Mistakes to Avoid

It is extremely tempting to make window tinting a DIY project. This sentiment is shared among most car enthusiasts, one could say. The thing with DIYs is that without proper preparation, it can end up costing an individual more than just getting window tinting done professionally in the first place. Because when something does go wrong, whom do you go to? The pros like Kepler Dealers. Well, if you’ve decided to go ahead with it anyway, here are five tips from said professionals so you can get things right on the very first attempt.

Preparing for the Project

Before starting this DIY car window tinting project, you’re going to need the right equipment to do the job correctly. What makes professional installation the recommended option isn’t just the fact that these technicians have applied thousands of films before and have gained expertise in it, but also because they’ve got the right tools for the job—tools you’re going to have to procure before attempting to do so. These include:

  • Window tint film (Choose the right VLT [Visible Light Transmission] percentage for your needs and in accordance with local window tinting laws)
  • Spray bottle
  • Squeegee
  • Hard card or plastic scraper
  • Utility knife or precision blade
  • Heat gun or hair dryer
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Lint-free paper towels
  • Razor blade or glass scraper
  • Masking tape

Optional but Helpful Tools:

  • Tint application card with felt edge – Reduces the risk of scratching the film.
  • Infrared thermometer – Helps with heat shrinking to avoid overheating.
  • Tack cloth – Removes dust and lint before installation.
  • Gloves – Keeps fingerprints off the film.

Be sure to check local tint laws, as regulations vary by state. For example, Michigan tint laws have different restrictions compared to California.

Mistake #1 – Not Cleaning the Windows Properly

Hard research hasn’t been conducted on this, but experience within the industry has shown that the majority of individuals who attempt DIY window tinting installation end up messing up the whole thing—after doing everything right—because the windows weren’t properly cleaned. They need to be spotless. Good as new. Dirt, debris, or grime—if it’s stuck on the window and the film is installed—will stay there forever, and the film, too, will never stick properly. Even if they think it fits well, it’s going to start bubbling or peeling soon and will never lay flush with the glass.

Here’s a real quick guide on how to clean windows the right way:

  • Wipe dust, dirt, and grime with a dry microfiber cloth.
  • Apply a mild, ammonia-free soap with lukewarm water on the glass.
  • Wipe it in a circular motion using another microfiber cloth.
  • Use a squeegee for that extra clean look.

Mistake #2 – Ignoring the Environment

Dusty, hot, cold, windy—any weather conditions that lean towards an extreme is not ideal for applying window tints.

When the protective film on the tint is removed, exposing the adhesive, wind can carry dust particles and stick to it, dust can dirty your clean windows, and cold can make the film crack. The problems are endless.

So, the ideal environment for installing window tint is neutral—no wind, not too cold, not too hot. Inside a garage is perhaps the best place to choose, as it has a moderate temperature and less dust.

Mistake #3 – Choosing a Low-Quality Tint

We don’t want to make it seem like cheaper tints are useless or a waste of money. There are several window tinting options out there, and it can get a bit confusing, so a newbie might be inclined to opt for the cheapest option to somewhat test the waters.

This may seem like a good plan, but it can greatly ruin the experience. You see, cheaper tints like dyed or metallic tints are fine for the aesthetics of tints along with somewhat of a heat reduction and UV protection effect, but they’ve got their issues. They fade quickly—if they don’t start peeling before that. It’s best to consider window tinting an investment and opt for higher-tier options like carbon or ceramic tints that actually fetch you all the marketed advantages of window films.

Mistake #4 – Accepting a Tint Without a Warranty

Do not let your local automotive parts dealers fool you into buying a tint without a warranty. It’s just a film, there’s no warranty on it is not true. Reputable companies offer warranties when they’re confident in their product, and window tints are no different. Remember, all reputable companies offer a lifetime warranty for their window films. 

Warranty, in a practical sense, is a safety net—if something goes wrong, the company is liable to fix it. Without it, you’re left alone, bearing the expenses yourself.

Mistake #5 – Ignoring Your Own Limitations

The hard fact is that not everyone has the time, energy, resources, or, frankly, the will to go through the process of installing window tints themselves, and that is okay. Recognizing this fact early on and seeking out professional help is, in that scenario, the smart thing to do.

It is hard to procure all the items, take your car to a controlled environment, clean up, cut the film just right, apply it, and then perform post-installation care. It is indeed a hassle, and if you’re not up for it, it is best to hire a professional to do so and take the load off your shoulders.

Bonus Mistake #6: Opting For An Installer That Doesn’t Use Kepler Films

Window tints are a one-time investment. Install a film properly, and you’re good for the years to come. However, this statement only holds true for films that are high-quality, such as those offered by Kepler. The Kepler IR and IR+ films both boast massive advantages, such as heat rejection, UV protection, and a boost in aesthetics and privacy. They also come with a lifetime warranty, ensuring you’re getting nothing but the best.


Mistakes come hand in hand with trying, but something as delicate as the installation of a window film doesn’t particularly leave much room for error. Make a mistake, and you’re probably going to have to buy another film. Car window tints make a massive difference in terms of your car’s appearance as well as riding comfort and shouldn’t be skipped.

Follow this guide, avoid the mistakes people so often make, and reap the benefits of a high-quality window tint.

David Smith
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David Smith

David Smith is Chicago based automotive content writer. He has been working in the auto industry for a long time. And shares his thoughts on automobiles, repair and maintenance, top selling cars on Auto Seeks. David Smith likes to ride new vehicles so that he can present a well informative information to our readers. Beyond cars and vehicle review he also enjoys playing baseball along with teengers.

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